How to deal with criticism

No matter who you are or what industry you work in, criticism is a part of every day life. It happens to you, it happens to me, it even happens to the pope. Everyone fancies themselves a critic in this day and age and with the aid of social media and technology at our fingertips, anybody with an internet connection can become a critic.

This is a real problem. How do you deal with this? How do you put yourself out there knowing there are millions of opinionated people who may not like it?

How do you deal with criticism?

I’ve heard the word “thick skin” thrown around a lot when this topic comes up. “You need to have a thick skin.” And while I do agree that it’s important, you need a little more in my opinion.

To me, “thick skin” is all about adapting to a situation. When someone says something you don’t like or makes you feel a certain way, you learn how to not take it to heart or ignore it or brush it off. And while this can help to lessen the sting, it doesn’t address the real issue in how to deal with criticism.

The key to dealing with criticism, I believe, is confidence. But in 2019, this has become a lost art, commonly misused and disguised as delusion. I see it all the time. People seem to have forgotten what real confidence is and the power it can have.

It’s not about the amount of likes you have, or how many views you get, or what someone tells you. Confidence is not a popularity contest. Confidence comes from within. It’s about believing in your artistic vision, knowing your idea is important even if no one else thinks so.

If the pen is mightier than the sword, confidence is mightier than criticism. You can armor yourself up with thick skin as much as you want to repel the negativity out there, but it’s what lies underneath that armor that will truly prevail and help propel you into greatness.

Disclaimer: Criticism is a very important part of growing as a person. But there’s a difference between constructive criticism and negativity. More on that another day.


2020 and things to come


On Where to Start